Obtaining Work Permits for Foreign Employees - Corporate consultant

Obtaining Work Permits for Foreign Employees

Obtaining Work Permits for Foreign Employees


Every foreigner must obtain a working visa and a work permit to stay and work legitimately in the Russian Federation.

A working visa is a document enabling a foreigner to enter the territory of the Russian Federation for the purpose of working there. A working visa is issued for a maximum term of one year on the basis of a work permit.

The work permit is the document confirming the right of a foreign employee to temporally work in Russia and is issued within the set quotas (the set quotes are not used for foreigners who are qualified specialists). A work permit must be obtained every year. The basis for obtaining it is the permission to hire foreign employees obtained by a company.

The permission to hire foreign employees is issued to a company for one year and stipulates the number of foreign employees that the company may hire during this year.

Our specialists have long-term experience of work with the Federal Migration Service and know the peculiarities of the legislation. This enables us to prepare documents complying with the current requirements of the regulating authority.

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