Banks, Banking - Corporate consultant

Banks, Banking

Banks, Banking

Risk Assessment

In banking, Corporate Lawyer provides its consultations on credit risk assessments to lending institutions. Due diligence is mainly carried out for this.


Assistance in Obtaining Loans

Corporate Lawyer consults private companies on obtaining and servicing loans.

For obtaining a loan, we provide services for settling loan and pledge agreements and jointly, with specialists of the lending (banking) institution, – for the preparation of an optimal package of collateral documents while taking into account the interests of both the lender and the borrower.


Opening Bank Accounts

Corporate Lawyer provides its support to Russian and foreign customers for opening bank accounts.

When providing these services, upon a customer’s instructions, we search for a bank that would best fit the customer’s interests, negotiate with the bank on opening an account for a customer, send requests and submit all documents and information required for opening the bank account.


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corporate lawyer 2002-2024